Category: Dinner

  • Public: Fusion is the Name of the Game

    Public: Fusion is the Name of the Game

    Yup, I am reviewing another fusion restaurant. So finnnnne…maybe I go to more fusion restaurants than I would like to admit, but at least I am featuring GOOD places right? Anyway the point is that I was impressed by two things: 1.) the menu ingredients are very varied (i.e. wild boar, quail & foie gras, Tasmanian sea trout)…

  • Feast: Momofuku Bo SSsäm

    Feast: Momofuku Bo SSsäm

    As I flipped through all my food photos (and try to catch up this blog with all the good eats), I came across one of the finest feasts I have had with my friends: Bo Ssäm at Momofuku’s Ssäm Bar. Let me say that I am NOT the hugest fan of all their food — don’t…

  • Day: Rose House; Night: Buddakan

    Day: Rose House; Night: Buddakan

    These two outings happened on different dates but they’re both memorable. Memorable = Post-Eligible. That’s right folks, I try to bring you the best of what I encounter as well as what I see. Not to mention it is in time to make a New Years Resolution: to blog more often. So…here goes! Day: Rose House…

  • Long Awaited Post: Park Avenue Autumn with Ryan Boyd!

    Long Awaited Post: Park Avenue Autumn with Ryan Boyd!

    So what else would I be doing on a Friday summer night in Manhattan? BLOGGING OF COURSE. With the television on the show ABDC (America’s Best Dance Crew) whilst cleaning the bathroom, I realized that it is about time for me to blog. Clearly I have not achieved my goal of blogging once a month…

  • Raleigh, NC…Is There a Food Scene?

    Raleigh, NC…Is There a Food Scene?

    To answer the question “Is there a food scene in Raleigh, NC?” I would venture to say…yes. Okay, it cannot compare to New York (obviously) but it’s certainly has made a mark on my mind to becoming a growing city with some yummy eats. Sadly I don’t have pictures of the Carolinian pulled pork dish…

  • Just in Time to Reminisce about Winter Restaurant Week…

    Just in Time to Reminisce about Winter Restaurant Week…

    Yes, you read the title correctly. I’m going to write about Winter Restaurant Week. I know, I know, summer restaurant week is just around the corner but I think it’s good to note that there are both GOOD and BAD experiences associated with dining during this promotion. Not to mention I can’t afford to eat at…

  • Lan: Fusion Japanese Done Well

    Lan: Fusion Japanese Done Well

    I’m always hesitant about Japanese food in the city. There are a lot of Japanese restaurants out there, and majority of them I am not often too impressed with. Either the quality of fish is lacking (reflective in the price), or it’s so expensive that I wouldn’t dare step in (i.e. Maru, 15 East, Blue Ribbon…

  • Casa Mono…Yes or No?

    Casa Mono…Yes or No?

    So, I’ve been getting into tapas bars recently so naturally Casa Mono came up on my list. This is one of Mario Batali’s restaurants, and it’s also where the 2nd season of Top Chef, Ilan Hall, cooked prior to winning. I would pass by this place everyday walking home from NYU campus when I lived…

  • Worldly Travels: Acapulco, Mexico and Taipei, Taiwan

    Worldly Travels: Acapulco, Mexico and Taipei, Taiwan

    Okay, I know it’s been a while since I’ve last updated, but it’s because I’ve been traveling the world! Every time I take a tour, I make sure I find this page and take guidance from their travelling experts(Read More Here). That’s right, Taiwan during a random week in February and Mexico for Spring Break.…

  • NYC Winter Restaurant Week: Payard

    NYC Winter Restaurant Week: Payard

    For NYC’s Winter Restaurant Week, which is still going on, I dragged all my wonderful friends to Payard Patisserie & Bistro. It’s located on Lexington between 73rd and 74th St…a nice location since it’s right next to the 6. Trust me, the weather in NY is extremely cold so anything near a subway station is KEY to a…