Category: Mexican

  • My Mini-Food Tour: Polk Street

    After laying out in the park during a beautiful sunny, summer-like day in San Francisco – which means a day where it’s above 65 degrees – I was hungry and ready to eat. My boyfriend and I made our way to a very reliably delicious area on Polk St., between Green and Broadway. It is…

  • Cancun: Tropical Paradise Ready for Tourists

    Cancun: Tropical Paradise Ready for Tourists

    Paradise: clear waters, beautiful beaches, lots of sunshine…why did I leave again? This trip was a great break from the snowy winter. I got to do some great water sports after buying a few water sports equipment online and the food that I got to taste there was also incredible. I wish I had never…

  • Brunch Edition: Dos Caminos & 202

    Brunch Edition: Dos Caminos & 202

    I love brunch. The idea that you can get something sweet like pancakes or savory like eggs all in one meal. Marvelous. Plus there are usually delicious (and probably strong) drinks involved. I don’t really indulge in that, but the fact that it’s there is a wonderful concept. Dos Caminos (Soho) 475 West Broadway I’ve…

  • Worldly Travels: Acapulco, Mexico and Taipei, Taiwan

    Worldly Travels: Acapulco, Mexico and Taipei, Taiwan

    Okay, I know it’s been a while since I’ve last updated, but it’s because I’ve been traveling the world! Every time I take a tour, I make sure I find this page and take guidance from their travelling experts(Read More Here). That’s right, Taiwan during a random week in February and Mexico for Spring Break.…

  • Successfully Blown My Money on Food

    Successfully Blown My Money on Food

    Even though I’m earning money right now with my internship, I realize that if I keep spending the amount of money I did this past weekend it’s all pointless. Nonetheless, it’s been real fun eating around, being with family and friends to try out places, and complain about our lives. hahaha. After extensive research for…